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Rick Danner, Sr. - Senior Pastor

Rick Danner Sr. grew up in Richmond, CA.  Upon graduating from High School he attended Diablo Valley Community College and then Bay Cities Bible College in Oakland CA where he receive his bachelor of Arts degree in Theology.   From there he attended Western Seminary in Portland Oregon where he received a masters degree in Church Education. 


While attending Western Seminary he became one of the founding teachers at North Portland Bible College.

Pastor Danner is married to Carol Crawford and they have a blended family of seven children; Tricia, Ricky Jr, Carlene, David, Daniel, Bianca and Michaella.


Demonstrating a model of integrity among Christian leaders, Pastor Danner has managed to live out his convictions and stay committed to his family over the long haul of his life in ministry. Remaining humble and down-to-earth in the face of great success has earned him the respect of religious leaders and world leaders alike.


Pastor Danner has a tremendous passion for God’s word coupled with a love for God’s people. He has a contagious spirit of generosity that flows through every facet of his ministry. Having received his mandate from God, Pastor Danner, obediently fulfills his calling as Senior Pastor of New Light Christian Church.

What is important:
"First family - Unity - Togetherness. I have a Christian world-view.  I believe the Lord must be in control of your life in order to have purpose for living.  I also  feel that marriage is an important element of family life.

My vision for ministry involves having a place of worship that is committed to meeting the total needs of the person.  i.e. emotional spiritual and physical needs.  Having church to me involves more than going to a building on Sunday morning.

First Lady Carol Danner

Carol assists her husband, Pastor Rick Danner, in one of the most diverse and dynamic ministries of their region, New Light Christian Church. She supports the Women’s Ministry of New Light and the church office, providing leadership and direction.

With over a decade of experience in the Gospel Music Industry, she started and heads up Back2BackPR International; which provides public relations solutions for gospel artists.

My hope is that everyone; men, women, and children will see they have potential in Christ. There is no limit to God’s ability in our lives, if we believe in our hearts, confess it with our mouths we can do awesome things in and for His Kingdom.

Many Blessings



Church Elders








Elder John King







Elder Thomas Poole






Elder Larry Hall






Elder Phil Bouie




Lesia Bouie

Pinkey Beavers

Fred Beavers

Ceila Brown

4620 S. Findlay St. - Seattle, WA 98118
church.office@newlightchurch.org - 206-329-7090