Visitors, we are thrilled that you have come to our
website. It is our hope that after you have visited
with us for a while on the internet you will decide to
come visit us at Church on Sunday. You can click on any
of the links to find out more about our services & how
to find us. May God bless your day and we hope to see
you soon.
New Light is a Multi-Ethnic Inner City Ministry centered
around the strong teaching of God's Word in order to
glorify Him through the ministry of healing the family,
spreading the gospel in our community, breaking down
multicultural barriers and drawing all members closer to
God through Worship, Studying His Word & Prayer.
Mission statement:
To make disciples of Jesus Christ and teach them to obey
his commandments
Mathew 28:18-20
Vision statement
A multi ethnic, inner city church glorifying God.
Becoming united and spiritually mature. Changing lives
through the gospel of Jesus Christ!